CHINA WATCH — Can Western Civilization Stand Up To China And Their Human Right Abuses & Genocide?
Paul Murray, reporter for Sky News Australia, brings information on Tom Kenyon, a former labor trade minister, who gives great insight and sounds the horn on China, on the reliance and direction towards China nation. Kenyon says, “We must cut China ties I helped build. Unfortunately, we no…
BBC Reporter Manages To Leave China For Taiwan After Being Threatened
BBC’s China correspondent John Sudworth and his wife Yvonne Murray, another correspondent to Irish broadcaster RTE, left China—being relocated from Beijing to Taiwan. They had left on very short notice after March 23rd because of grave concerns to the safety of him and his family, issued the Foreign…

Joshua Philipp’s Analysis of Jin Canrong’s (Top Adviser To The CCP) Speech In 2016 And China’s Advancements In The Last Few Years And Current Plans To Overtake And Rule The USA
From Joshua Philipp’s YouTube channel, “Crossroads With Joshua Philipp,” (starting from 44:30 until end of video, https://youtu.be/e9perC6PiZs ) he breaks down the Jin Canrong Speech in 2016 with this article from Epoch Times ( “CCP Adviser Outlined Detailed Plan To Defeat US, Including Manipulating Elections,” https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/xi-jinpings-adviser-outlines-plan-for-ccp-to-defeat-us-including-manipulating-elections_3748196.html ), in regards to China’s direction…

Facebook Fact-Checker Funded by Chinese Money Through TikTok
SOCIAL MEDIA BY PETR SVABDecember 10, 2020 Updated: December 10, 2020 While Facebook portrays its army of fact-checkers as independent, the money behind at least one carries a distinct taint. One such fact-checker, Lead Stories, is partly paid through a partnership with TikTok, a social media platform run by a Chinese company that…
Biden Secretary of State Pick Caught on Hunter’s Laptop, Linked To Chinese Funding
Tony Blinken Under The Microscope byPATRICK HOWLEYJanuary 25, 2021Share to GabThe 10 Richest Families of the World. Especially No. 3 is a Complete SurpriseRichest FamilyAds by RevcontentFind Out More > Tony Blinken, the Biden administration’s nominee for Secretary of State, managed a Joe Biden project that received millions…

Biden Confirms CCP’s genocide of Uighurs
From EPOCH TIMES, an article written by Isabel Van Brugen states that Joe Biden, current president of the United States, agrees to the fact of CCP committing genocide — [ President Joe Biden believes the Chinese regime has committed “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” against Uyghur Muslims in the region…

Expert And China Affairs Columnist, Gordon Chang, states US Should Cut Ties With China
From “Epoch Times,” — article written by Li Hai: Gordon Chang, a China affairs expert and widely known for his book “The Coming Collapse of China,” said on Sunday that the Chinese regime’s challenge is existential and the United States should cut ties to it. “Chinese leaders are…
Persecution from Minghui database
https://en.minghui.org/cc/1/ Organ harvesting: https://en.minghui.org/cc/8/…