The General USA Presidential Election: Fraudulent and Rigged, Partly Enabled by the Chinese Government (The Chinese Communistic Party, CCP)
Links to sources indicating China’s involvement in the fraudulent US Presidential 2020 election: https://youtu.be/T7yiS6kFKSg (this is from YouTube channel, “Inconvenient Truths By Jennifer Zeng” — this episode has to do with a man named Ollervides who actually went and found evidence of a factory in China who printed out…

Chinese Journalist, Zhang Zhan, Jailed For Four Years Because Of Her Reporting on Corona Virus In Wuhan
Zhang Zhan, 37 years of age, who reported from Wuhan, detailing the Corona virus outbreak, has recently been sentenced to four years in prison and convicted in a Shanghai court, her lawyer claimed. Very often, the Chinese Communistic Party who controls the Chinese government targets dissidents and human…
🇺🇸The #CCP and communism educate the people to fool people, enslaving, brainwashing, misleading, inciting…, from childhood! Eradicate communism and world cancer! CCP virus, mental opium. 🇫🇷Le #PCC et le communisme éduquent les gens à tromper les gens, les asservir, les laver le cerveau, les tromper, les inciter …,…