List of victims from Minghui

U.S. Firms Are Helping Build China’s Orwellian State

U.S. Firms Are Helping Build China’s Orwellian State

Tech partnerships are empowering new methods of control. BY LINDSAY GORMAN, MATT SCHRADER | MARCH 19, 2019, 10:39 AM When a Dutch cybersecurity researcher disclosed last month that Chinese security contractor SenseNets left a massive facial recognition database tracking the movements of over 2.5 million people in China’s Xinjiang province unsecured on…

CCP Crimes And Global Response: Chinese Communist Party’s Crimes Against Humanity

The information below is a collection of reports detailing the evil deeds of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Their systematic crackdown on, the persecution of good people who believe in Buddhas, Gods and Taos and how the people of the world are silenced by CCP money and threats.…

Socialist ‘Equality’ Is a Lie Used by Tyrants

Many good-hearted people support socialism under the belief in equality. Yet, socialism in no way represents equality. It is a system that exists by manufacturing struggle between different segments of society, agitates hatred and conflict, and turns people against one another to advance its political goals. In this…
These are powerful images of #Tibetans rioting.

Horrifying Images of Tibetans Brutalized by Chinese Communist Party Police

These are powerful images of riots in Tibet. It portrays the inhumane treatment by the Chinese Regime of the Tibetans. Its aim is to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s evil crimes against humanity so that legal procedures against the Party can be implemented as soon as possible. It…
Human Rights Lawyers Prepare to Sue the Chinese Communist Party while Elected Officials Support Withdrawals

Human Rights Lawyers Prepare to Sue the Chinese Communist Party while Elected Officials Support Withdrawals

Over 340 million Chinese have quit their memberships in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Unlike Western countries, where a third party (God) serves a witness in a court of law, the CCP’s voice is the law. Consequently, justice doesn’t exist in China. Human rights…
A Remorseful  Police Officer Writes a Statement Revealing how he Persecuted and Tortured Falun Gong People

A Remorseful Police Officer Writes a Statement Revealing how he Persecuted and Tortured Falun Gong People

Statement of a Police officer in China: “Since the peaceful appeal of Falun Gong practitioners at Zhongnanhai on April 25, 1999, extensive persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the government has taken place in Mainland China. As a police officer, I have been involved in the persecution since…
New York: A Sincere Call for an End to Persecution in China During U.N. Summits

New York: A Sincere Call for an End to Persecution in China During U.N. Summits

On September 23, the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly held a series summits in New York. The Hammarskjöld Plaza was packed with people dressed in bright yellow t-shirts. Banners and posters with “Jiang to Justice” were clearly visible. Jiang Zemin, former Primer of China vowed…
‘My Organs Were Nearly Harvested In A Chinese Labour Camp But People Still Deny It’s Happening’

‘My Organs Were Nearly Harvested In A Chinese Labour Camp But People Still Deny It’s Happening’

Jennifer Zeng gave a witness testimony at a tribunal to end forced organ harvesting in China. Here, she spoke to Georgia Aspinall about her experience of being persecuted for her beliefs. BY GEORGIA ASPINALL | POSTED ON 25 09 2019 ‘I was arrested four times,’ Jennifer Zeng,from Sichuan, China tells me…

Exposing the Violations of the “China Care Association” in Hong Kong

When the preliminaries of the Asia-Pacific Division of the 5th NTDTV International Chinese Classical Dance Competition were held in Hong Kong, they were seriously hindered by members of the “Hong Kong Care Association.” Classical Chinese dance is an extremely high cultural artform. It demands technical skills and perfection.…