China dangerously and recklessly covered up the epidemic of the Coronavirus, when it was first spread in the area of Wuhan and hiding this information, it caught the world unaware as the vast majority of visitors traveling abroad from China, were apparently not screened. Due to the coverup by the Chinese government, controlled by the Chinese Communistic Party (CCP), the epidemic turned into a pandemic affecting many countries, here in the United States, the EU and the rest of the world’s people. The CCP regime is directly responsible for the deaths of those who were infected and did not recover. Continuing on, there is an even more sinister scheme in the pipelines aiming to destroy Western countries.
The world should quickly unite and sue the Chinese Communist Party for its henious crimes. It deserves to be punished with huge indemnity to every single country for the untimely deaths of countless lives and massive economic losses facing citizens.
The book called Prophecy [End of days] by Sylvia Brown mentioned that a virus will occur in the year 2020. She also mentions that it is bio weapon! It appears a though her gift of prophesy is now actually unfolding. But is it really a bio-weapon?
The secret scheme of the CCP
Mr. Chi Haotian, former Minister of National Defense China, spoke in a secret meeting of a plot by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to unleash a deadly virus on the world, targeting Western countries, according to an article by The Epoch times.
Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance.
He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living space—because China is severely overpopulated and China’s environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, was that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to “go out.” By this, Chi meant the conquest of new lands, in which a “second China” could be built by “colonization.” From this, arose the third vital issue: the “issue of America.”
Chi warned his listeners: “This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple. … [China is] in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest.” Therefore, the United States would never allow China to seize other countries to build a second China. The United States stands in China’s way.
Chi explained the problem as follows: “Would the United States allow us to go out to gain new living space? First, if the United States is firm in blocking us, it is hard for us to do anything significant to Taiwan, Vietnam, India, or even Japan, [so] how much more living space can we get? Very trivial! Only countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.”
“We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons,” the general said. “Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.”
The answer is found in biological weapons.
“Of course,” he added, “we have not been idle. In the past years, we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”
There is new information that the underground Wuhan P4 virus Lab is closely connected to China’s military department. Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, warned the United States—“Don’t push Pandora’s Box” on June 18 of last year. Unfortunately, China’s Pandora’s Box is in the form of creating a biological warfare weapon in Wuhan P4 Lab that was opened by accident causing the spread. Regal Guo Wengui pointed out that a important message was written on the window of the laboratory. It read: “As soon as you step through this door, you walk into Pandora’s box …”
Below is the scientist evidence and logic behind to claim that the WuHan coronavirus is man-made.
Wuhan coronavirus is STRANGELY similar to two bat coronaviruses, ZC45 and ZXC21. Overall, the sequence of either of the two bat coronaviruses is 95% identical to the Wuhan coronavirus. In fact, for most part of the genome, such level of identity is maintained or even surpassed. The E protein, in particular, is 100% identical. The nucleocapsid is 94% identical. The membrane protein is 98.6% identical. The S2 portion (2nd half) of the spike protein is 95% identical. However, when it comes to the S1 portion (1st half) of the spike protein, the sequence identity suddenly drops to 69%. This pattern of sequence conservation, between either of the closely related bat coronaviruses and the Wuhan coronavirus, is extremely rare and strange!
This is extremely rare because natural evolution typically takes place when changes (mutations) occur randomly across the whole genome. You would then expect the rate of mutation being more or less the same for all parts of the genome.
If naturally-occurring recombination event(s) lead to the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus, how would it transpire? First, it would have to take place when an ancestor bat coronavirus, something very similar to ZC45 or ZXC21, co-existed with another coronavirus in the same cell of the same animal. Under extremely rare circumstances, recombination may occur, where a random piece in the ancestor’s genome is replaced by a similar but different piece from the other coronavirus. Importantly, to go from such ancestor to the Wuhan coronavirus, one combination event is not enough. What has to happen is that recombination has to take place twice during the evolution of the Wuhan coronavirus. In one occasion, the ancestor bat coronavirus would have to acquire, through recombination with a SARS-like coronavirus, the precise short segment of S1 that is responsible for human ACE2 interaction (region highlighted in orange in both Figure 2 and Figure 3). In another occasion, the “improved” bat coronavirus would further swap in a furin-cleavage site through recombination with yet another coronavirus that carries a furin-cleavage site between its S1 and S2 of spike.
The chance that the furin-cleavage site in the Wuhan coronavirus was obtained through recombination with another furin-cleavage-site-containing coronavirus is very low. Now, what are chances for both of these next-to-impossible recombination events to take place? The answer is NO CHANCE. This Wuhan coronavirus cannot be coming from nature.
Indian scientist: Virus suspected of being a synthetic biochemical weapon.

As the video and Guiwengui indicates, it was meant to target Hong Kong originally and then the Western countries. Its aim: “World Control,” which it could obtain by using a lethal virus to create chaos in foreign countries which are against CCP corruption and rule. The reason being that these western countries values and democracies oppose any form of dictatorship.
Therefore, given the CCP´s systematic indoctrination of hatred toward the west, some manufacturers in China are going so far as to deliberately manufacture and export defective thermometers that register 36.5 when a person might be running a fever of 39 degrees.
Many government members or people from the aristocracy have contracted the virus, did the CCP originally target them?
Mr. Chi Haotian spoke about CCP’s intentions two decades ago. Could this be the reason why so many government members have been infected so suddenly?
In order to shake off the direct responsibility from the Wuhan Virology Institute, came another theory in which the pangolin became the intermediate host.
The intermediate host is generally infectious but will not develop disease, in order to effectively spread the virus, the virus and the animal have adapted to each other. This is not the case for pangolins, which have small populations and are solitary animals. They have a weak respiratory system and will develop new coronavirus infections (South China Agricultural University has confirmed it). They will be eliminated naturally by the harsh jungle laws, and one will die. The population coexists in the medium and long term.
There is an obvious flaw of the Pangolin hypothesis. How could the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat (a non-migratory animal) in Kunming cross the mountains and rivers to Southeast Asia and spread the virus there?

The genome-wide identity was only 90%, with a huge decrease to 99%, as their previous announced on February 7th. Where came this big gap?
Shi Zhengli, is a science professor and some reports have suggested that she created the virus.
Yuan Zhiming invited France to help China build the P4 virus Lab. Yuan Zhiming is currently the Party’s committee secretary. He lied to France. It’s believed that members working in this P4 virus Lab have been secretly cooperating with the military to create biochemical weapons.
Take a look at this hard evidence about how Shizhengli created the Wuhan virus. The bat she used, is exclusively found in China. This shows us it was not possible to have been created in the US. The CCP is lying by shifting public attention away from the truth, as they attempt to evade responsibility by placing the blame on the US and/or other western countries.

(source from Xinjiyuan media)
In Chinese customs they have been consuming bats as one of Chinese medicine and custom for thousands of years and have never been infected with a virus. In the video Shi Zhengli does not wear gloves or any protective equipment when catching bats for experiments, because she knows that the bat virus will not be directly transmitted to people and needs an intermediate host.

The Wuhan Virus Research Institute determined the gene sequence on 2 Jan, 2020. Shanghai researchers found that the Wuhan virus is combined with human ACE2 through the S protein. Was it the research purpose of the Shi Zhengli team in 2015 to transfer the bat coronavirus to humans? Published in the Natural Medicine magazine in US, an article stated that the use of genetic recombination technology combines the bat S protein with the rat Sars virus to obtain a new virus, which can effectively infect human respiratory cells with great toxicity. After that, Shi Zhengli continued to conduct experiments on monkeys to simulate the effect of the virus on the human body.
According to an earlier report from the Daily Mail UK, Tim Trevan, a Biosafety Consultant in Maryland, USA, published a review in the journal, Nature in 2017. He pointed out that there are only two ways of mutations of the virus; natural mutation, and human manipulation. If it’s a natural mutation, this virus need at least 10,000 mutations for substituting these four proteins exactly. The chances are very slim of that happening.
On Tue, Mar 17, 2020, Lighthouse Breaking News Agency (@FHD_News) tweeted; “Shi Zhengli reported that the coronavirus was transmitted by mosquitoes!” Shi Zhengli’s supervisor Yuan Zhiming’s arbovirus job is the investigation of mosquito-borne viruses.
Is Yuan Zhiming the Head of Wuhan Institute of Virology?
Yuan Zhiming is a so-called “Researcher” in this institute and is indeed the leader of Wuhan Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences which is the main department of this institute. He is also the Director of the P4 department inside this institute. He is the former Party Secretary of this institute. This information points directly to the P4 laboratory, which was built with the PLA, with a possible aim at creating biochemical warfare.

Shi Zhengli was exposed first and most likely a scapegoat.
CCP often requests gratitude—always announcing that one day everyone will beg for help from the CCP. Why such arrogance? After all, it’s more than likely that the CCP created the Coronavirus. If the virus was created by CCP, they should have the vaccine and countries will have to ask them for it—that could be why CCP has been saying that all countries will beg them in the future for the vaccine.
In fact, on the 26th of February, Chenwei , from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, had already made the Recombinant Coronavirus Vaccine. They declared it on the 16th of March, which is just right after US also discovered a vaccine. As you can see from the photo below, it’s actually produced by the military! The Recombinant Coronavirus Vaccine needed 5-6 months to be produced, which means in September 2019, the military already discovered this virus. That’s the point! How is it possible that they already had the Coronavirus so early on? Why did the military have it?
Is it because the military secretly cooperates with the P4 Virus Lab? Are they creating biochemical weapons? Why did the two professors suddenly die just as they planned to enter China for research? The military game was planned for late October, so it could not have been spread by the US. To top it off, the CCP evaded responsibility! Did the plans of “World Domination” actually backfire on the CCP?
There are many unanswered questions! How many more issues are still being covered up by the CCP?
Military medical experts in China in private talks say that human beings are “self-destructing.” They have created an incredibly dangerous and crazy virus. Also as the HIV gene is inserted and AIDS cannot be cured so far, therefore no vaccine will cure it, he said it is deceptive to say that one will be made which can heal.
CCP covers all news and misleads the public
Morgan Ortagus said: By Jan. 3, Chinese authorities had already ordered that all COVID-19 virus samples to be destroyed along with silencing Wuhan doctors and censoring public concerns online.
Spokesperson CHN is right: This is a timeline the world must absolutely scrutinize.
The CCP deliberately distributed 200,000 travel coupons in Wuhan before the city was blocked. Would they take this action to spread it if it were not a Bio weapon?
A compromising situation includes the donations and receiving of masks. China is quite persuasive and they undermine other countries. For example, countries thank China for the assistance of receiving masks during this Coronavirus pandemic—do they realize that a huge amount of masks were donated to China before? Australian media reported that earlier when the Wuhan coronavirus spreading, Chinese companies were ordered by the Communist Party to buy medical supplies on a global scale and send them to China. According to mainland China media reports, the CCP’s central enterprises, overseas Chinese associations and The Chamber of Commerce also participated simultaneously, setting off a huge wave of procurement around the world. All this indicates that it is led by the Chinese government and the Chinese consulate cooperates with overseas implementation.
Anti-epidemic materials are in short supply or even exhausted.

The world donates specifically to the Chinese Red Cross. The Chief of Red Cross China is the CCP leader Wangqishan. They don’t give the masks to the doctors in Wuhan and neither do they give them to the people—instead, they sell them for a profit. Buyers soon discover what they bought was donated. But the CCP is laughing behind the back at western countries that don’t have masks and request their gratitude for taking them back. Isn’t that ridiculous?

Some people, upon buying masks from China, discover that those are poor quality and ineffective. Recently, 340,000 coronavirus test kits Spain bought from China were faulty, a report stated. It’s the same with most of the products made in China. They allways break. The vaccine from China is flawed with obvious consequences to the people infected who are shown to still carry the virus. It easily could return to reinfect and further the impact of the illness on people’s bodies.

The CCP corrupts the Chinese people by telling them lies. They make their own people believe that all the bad things are done by the West. Especially the USA, and all other Western democratic countries, because democratic countries values are against dictatorship, where they are forced to always be “Great, Glorious and Correct.”
Doctor Li Wenliang was killed as he knew Patient 0, the source of the virus. The CCP hid the truth with fake news with a claim that it’s getting better and they have a cure. But it’s just fake!
Nothing about the CCP is good and they cannot be trusted under any circumstances. All information from the CCP are lies upon lies.

There is a joke in Beijing that people often laugh about; “The only real news on CCTV is the date!”
There is a strict law in China that does not allow people to spread information about any virus issue and anyone caught spreading it will be arrested. Therefore, not much information can be obtained but from social media, such as public chats one can see—it’s really getting much worse now. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have needed to order 1 million more body bags early in February. Meanwhile, the head of a telecom company in China, said that the possible effects and spread of the virus has caused the unsubscription of 18 million users cell phone contracts.

On September 18, 2019 Wuhan Airport ordered an emergency drill response to simulate the whole process of controlling and reducing a new strain of coronavirus. Why did it happen just before the virus spread?

The CCP also refused a prominent US professor’s offer of assistance in regard to the virus. Why? Is the CCP creating bio-weapons and planning to destroy US and western countries so that they can take control of the world and all of its resources?
After all, it has no conscience in any case. This is evident in the treatment of animals, the 20 years of brutal persecution against the Falun Gong, not to mention other religious and minority groups like the Uighurs and Christians, who are completely controlled and oppressed.

CCP’s plan to control the world through economical manipulation
The countries that are in allegiance with the CCP,’s Belt and Road Project will, in the end, become poorer. Why? The Belt and Road project is in fact, a just a very clever commercial plan to control the world from inside China. Most Westerners don’t know how dangerous it is to cooperate with the CCP and naively believe the CCP will follow protocol—not knowing that the CCP are out-and-out liars. They only follow their own rules that includes SPYING, collecting data information from other companies from within their own legal system.
Often, corporations have Chinese workerd employed in western companies. They are actually Chinese organizations collecting personal data following China’s law. Most Westerners are ignorant of Chinese laws. According to this law— basically, it is just a way to SPY on you. If you don’t obey the CCP or they just don’t like you anymore, they may threaten to kill your family to force you into obedience. So, it really becomes a kind of “political kidnapping”.
CCP’s secret plans to control the world by supporting terrorists.
Reporters and investigators have discovered that the CCP supports terrorist acts. The Regime offers weapons freely and orders terrorists to bomb or create chaos in certain regions in return for the weapons. An article published by Sound Of Hope Media in which a reporter interviews an engineer from China’s military department discovered that China had secretly signed a contract with terrorists in Afghanistan.
A particular terrorist attack in Paris had weapons supplied to them by the CCP. The guns ISIS use are AK-47’s, which are inscribed with simplified Chinese characters. (Almost everything is made in China since the US allowed China to join WTO.)
When China export weapons to other countries, it translates the instructions into that country’s language, so the local people are able to read and know how to use them. You won’t see Chinese characters. This is the evidence that supports the crimes that the CCP are engaging in supporting terrorists.
CCP controls the world’s culture
Confucius Institutes are SPY centers of CCP. They should be shut down. If the Minister of Culture closes Confucius institutes, it would stop the CCP’s manipulation of traditional culture, something it vehemently opposes. Those involved in cultural manipulation are in fact, feeding a toxic ideology to people.
Countries must quit cooperating with the CCP to save themselves from the virus and other disasters.
There is saying in Chinese medicine, “One righteous thought can eliminate a hundred evils. Righteous chi energy eliminates evil chi energy.” One must heal the mind and heart first to rise up the good chi energy. The stronger healthy energy would then push and open up all the energy channels in the body and unblock ill chi energy that is blocking the channels, which is the root cause of all disease. This is a sure method for strengthening the body’s immune system. Chinese medicine also says you are your own the best doctor, heal your mind, and your body will correspondent, as your mind controls the body, not the other way around.
There are many sources from History we can draw on, for instance the plague in Rome.
The plagues stopped miraculously after people awakened and began to reflect on the cruelty of their treatment of Christians due to the result of the general moral decay of society. When people examined themselves and repented of their wrongdoings, the plague miraculously vanished in Rome.
Once any country’s government stops supporting the evil super dictator, which is the CCP, the CCP virus won’t be able to take root. History has revealed that when people begin to differentiate between good (love, kindness tolerance, respect) and bad (cruelty, murder, jealousy, and oppression.) and follow the good ways, Such pious thoughts brings positive energy and no virus would beable to take root in the body. It would spread no further and those infected would also recover well.
However, the mutation of the CCP virus acts faster than any vaccine or medicine. Any vaccine or medicine or organ transplant won’t truly heal nor work in the long run. The illness is bound to return as long the evil energy of the CCP keeps on lying and hiding the truth from its own people and the world.
In a new wave of recent developments, Beijing’s leading doctor warns of a NEW coronavirus outbreak in China. Professor Li Lanjuan, a member of Beijing’s expert team on the virus, said she was ‘very worried that imported cases could trigger another large-scale epidemic in our country’.
The CCP have declared several times they discovered a vaccine. Why doesn’t it work? Is the CCP “playing God”? It heals one person through killing another, ie. organ transplanting and blood transfusions. Their vaccine won’t work eitheeith because the virus not only attacks the lungs also spreads to the brain.
Only when an infected person changes his or her mind and follows the good order of the universe, or, when people refuse to support the murderous regime would there be mercy. If not, the virus will attack or stay inside the body and theironwill be arelapse. The second stronger virus outbreak that professor Li Lanjuan mentioned, is still coming. Since the CCP vaccine is toxic and ineffective to eliminate the second virus, and if one were vaccinated with CCP vaccine, the person will be most likely to die very quickly.

This vaccine was create by the military in February and not from a legitimate medical or science department; its called the Recombinant Coronavirus Vaccine, which means they had another one made before this one. If this coronavirus was not created by CCP, they wouldn’t have already had a vaccine! Some call it the CCP corona virus, because the CCP’s military branch created it.
But It seems like this vaccine doesn’t work well, otherwise CCP would not need to try another way, such as change the blood or organs to recover from Covid-19.
According to the report, Su Li (director of the Department of Hematology), at Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing, said that, in the past, he has tried this method in the treatment of hepatitis B, AIDS and other diseases, but there were only a few successful cases. “Sometimes, even if you have antibodies in your body, it may not be effective, because you will encounter many things that cannot be removed by antibodies, which is why people are about to die from illness.” He also mentioned that when other people’s antibodies enter themselves, they will not always survive, and “whether the autoimmune system will produce antibodies against foreign antibodies, etc., there are still many complicated issues that need to be proved experimentally.”
Wang Qishan underwent an organ transplant, but he still needs urine bags.

Some Communist Party members change organs several times by obtaining it through forced and live organ harvesting from others. Why do they need to change so many times? It means it doesn’t work! They think that this will help them prolong their lives but some people who can see the truth see that their souls already are in hell and only an empty shell is left, possessed by bad spirits.
Whether you believe or not, understanding basic morality and common decency is not hard. There is much vagueness about the inhumane organ harvesting in China that has been ongoing for over a decade. The ignorance concerning the unprecedented suffering and persecution of Falun Gong people, Christians, Tibetans, Uighurs, and HK citizens is simply unacceptable.
Many people believe that those who have caused others harm will be severly punished and their lives will be taken from them in the same way they made others suffer with the same pain they caused others for the huge karmic debts they have accrued. All sentient beings are, in fact, facing final judgment.
Whether you choose to believe it or not, there are many prophecies in the history that talk about this virus that’s happening today. It’s the purification period of the universe. It’s like a metabolism. People who respect the Creator and align with nature and the universe’s true law adhering to its principles won’t be affected by this virus. Satanists and evildoers will pay for the harm they are causing God’s creatures and beings.
The true spiritual cultivators warn those who support the CCP will become infected with the CCP virus. Here is one prophecy that has spoken of this virus from according to a Rabbi.
It doesn’t imply that those infected are bad people—I just explained a Univeral law. In fact, many good people are being cheated and deceived by the CCP ideology as the CCP is really a master of lies. Many Chinese and others are very good people. Unfortunately, the Chinese have been brainwashed to join the Chinese Communist Party from childhood. They should quit this evil party to be saved from disease at this critical time. The Communist goal is to destroy all human beings for Satan since the possessing power behind them is Satan. This is against the Universal Law of the Creator. So, they won’t be able to exist at all in the near future. All beings from the East to the West have a chance to be saved by their actions to refuse the CCP and its ideology.
Some people have never been to China, yet they still get infected. There is a list reported—as many as 80% of people who die are Communist Party members and those who support the dictator of China.
The Chinese Communist Party was I fact, created by the Illuminati (A secret sect who openly declares their belief in Satan, (the antichrist, and adversary of mankind). Karl Marx got the order and return from Illuminati. It uses the power of language through beautiful words to repackage their Satanist ideas. (The One World Government, the so-called “New World Order” or Super Dictatorship transformed it into Communist ideology. It is, in reality, just a big lie. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) belongs to the Satanists. The CCP killed more than 80,000,000 people in a peaceful time (more deaths than two world wars). The godless regime persecutes spiritual followers and kills innocent people. They introduced the brutal organ harvesting upon Falun Gong followers and prisoners of conscience; therefore, the spirit of the Almighty God has decided to not allow it to exist in the future because the power behind the CCP is Satan (the anti-Christ and enemy of mankind.)

People are calling it the CCP virus, as it only affects the pro-CCP persons or those that support its ideology. The countries that are infected the most are the counties that are pro-CCP such as Iran (another dictator— they love each other—lol) and North and South Korea. North Korea directly kills infected ones and hides the number of deaths. South Korea refused to host Shen Yun (Divine Performing Arts) to curry favor from the CCP. Furthermore, in Europe, Italy signed the contract with the CCP in allegiance to the Belt and Road project, so they are deeply involved with the regime.
Taiwan and the Hong Kong people are against the CCP. They don’t have many cases. Although Hong Kong is near China, it has not closed its borders with China. The few infected there are mostly policemen, businessmen, or foreigners to HK who are pro-CCP.

The red characters are Communist Party members
If people want to be saved, they must cut ties with the Chinese Communist Party immediately.
How to protect oneself from the CCP virus
Besides quitting the CCP, Chinese doctors realize that Qigong Cultivation exercises or spiritual exercises are the best way to heal and protect one’s health. The recommendation is for people to practice Qigong. They know only Qigong meditation can heal the roots of illness. No medicine or vaccines can do this. Even though medicine can cure, it’s in fact, only postponing one’s illness as (bad) karma is still there. There is good example from Minghui media news report, two doctors in Wuhan who became infected, completely recovered by practicing Falun Gong.
We look forward to everyone choosing good over evil, thereby doing the right thing. Save yourself and your loved ones by disengaging and refusing to be involved in any way with the CCP or its ideology. It’s the right thing to do. We can be part of creating a world for our descendants to forever enjoy in a free, fair and blessed society.
Very good post. I definitely love this website. Keep it up!
I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Very well written!