The Persecution Of Falun Gong Practitioners Did Not Decrease in 2019-CCP Continues Crimes

From Fe y Esperanza on Facebook:

The persecution of falun dafa by the Chinese Communist regime did not decrease in 2019, with 6.109 falun gong practitioners arrested and 3.582 harassed by their faith. At the time of writing this report, it is known that 3.400 practitioners remain in custody.

Falun dafa or falun gong is an ancient spiritual practice based on the principles of truth-Benevolence-tolerance. Since Chinese, jiang zemin ordered a national campaign against practice on July 20, 1999, many practitioners have been arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and even killed by their organs.

The Year 2019 had several days of anniversaries considered sensitive by the regime: April 25 marked the 20. th anniversary of the peaceful appeal of 10.000 practitioners outside the national appeals office in Beijing looking for release From several practitioners unjustly arrested days before; on July 20 marked the 20. th anniversary of the start of the persecution to falun gong; on October 1 marked the 70. th anniversary of the Chinese Communist party foundation .

Arrests and harassment of falun gong practitioners were shot during these 3 anniversaries, as authorities tried to prevent practitioners from getting involved in public demonstrations or first-hand initiatives that will generate awareness about persecution.

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