Viral video of ‘whistleblower’ nurse suggests the coronavirus outbreak is much worse than Chinese gov’t admits

‘I’m here to tell the truth’

Image source: YouTube screenshot CHRIS ENLOE

A Chinese nurse treating patients with the coronavirus in Wuhan has become a “whistleblower,” the New York Post reported, after a viral video suggests the Chinese government is grossly misleading the world about the number of people who have so far contracted the disease.Ditch the fake news ==> Click here to get news you can trust sent right to your inbox. It’s free!

The nurse, wearing a full protective suit, claims in the video that 90,000 people are sick with the rapidly spreading disease.

“I am in the area where the coronavirus started,” the nurse says in the video, the New York Post reported.

“I’m here to tell the truth,” she adds. “At this moment, Hubei province, including the Wuhan area, even China, 90,000 people have been infected by a coronavirus.”

The nurse also advises people to stay indoors and requests additional medical equipment, the Daily Mail reported.

The video has been viewed millions of times.

As of Sunday, China has reported just 2,700 cases of coronavirus and 56 deaths. But Chinese President Xi Jinping has called the situation “grave,” and the government has essentially quarantined upward of 50 million people in the city of Wuhan and surrounding cities, suggesting the situation on the ground is much worse than what they’re telling the world.

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