Say Thanks To The CCP For The Spread Of The Coronavirus Epidemic

The US and other countries have successfully quarantined and tested people who have been infected with the Coronavirus, but China has not done its job and the result ended up with the virus being spread to all regions of its country.

Since meeting with the head of the World Health Organization, President Xi Jinping basically put on a front and lied that the epidemic was under control. In his own words, he said, “I have been in command,” have government “release information on the virus in a timely manner,” and also mentioned, “The epidemic is a demon, and we cannot let this demon hide.” Truth is, the Chinese Communistic Party and its officials have been playing this game of hiding the real hazards of the virus itself and covered up the first cases of those that were infected; they basically acted as if it didn’t exist. It was first exclaimed that the origins of the virus came from an open-air market where animals were killed, but there have been suggestions that it came from a People’s Liberation Army Biowarfare unit stationed a few miles from the center of the epidemic. It didn’t matter to the government though; the individual cases of the Coronavirus was silenced completely in December of last year.

By the time it hit January and the number of people infected was too large to contain and keep quiet, the Chinese authorities still downplayed the seriousness of the disease to everyone, including the world. What happened was the proper information wasn’t relayed in a timely manner and the people of Wuhan were basically infecting each other and others for weeks; when it reached a big quantity of people, that was when the Chinese New Year began. This means that every year, the largest migration is the hundreds of millions of people coming back to China to celebrate the lunar year. Also, there was the time leading up to the holidays, where at least 5 million Wuhan residents, took any transportation available and went home for the holidays. They basically went to every region in China; this was a nightmare of epic proportions.

After dozens of cities in China reported the epidemic did the CCP officials quarantine Wuhan’s 11 million people. Since then, the quarantine has grown to include 17 other cities in Hubei Province with population of 40+ million. The epidemic is still spreading and the government is still lying—about the number of deaths, those infected, and even the origin of how the Coronavirus was contracted or made. The claim of 170 deaths and 7,700 infected is far too few a number; it is a hysterical matter.

On January 28th, China’s Ministry of Public Security instructed all police across China to make “wartime preparations”. To help control disease, the police were to enforce quarantine orders and deliver medical supplies at the same time to “maintaining social stability” by punishing anyone who used social media to tell the facts. This was basically a declaration for a national emergency to contain the Coronavirus epidemic.

Despite the police hounding social media, reports have leaked out. For example, there was this post from Wuhan officials: “The [Wuhan] city government and Hubei Provincial Civil Affairs Ministry have dispatched vehicles, staff, and protective gear to each funeral house [in Wuhan].” It also offered, “free cremation for the corpses of Coronavirus victims” who died on January 26th or after that date. It gave reason to these new resources as, “To improve the capacity of transporting and dealing with corpses”.

As for Xi Jinping, he hasn’t visited the city of Wuhan. Anyone, in a state of disaster, would be criticized for not going—but thanks to the government-owned state media, they exist to make the Party look good. But with the long lines to hospitals increasing, it’s hard to do. Xi Jinping talks about this demon but the real symbol of this demon is the CCP themselves; they are a culture of corruption, lies, and manipulation for control.

The most ironic thing is the CCP actually spends trillions and trillions of dollars for their tyrannical, corrupt regime based on police-state policies, surveillance programs, and re-education labor camps. Just the imprisonment of a million Uighurs costs up to tens of billions of dollars; and billions more for the unjust persecution against Christians and Catholics. If they actually just took a small amount and put it into public health to assure the safety of the public in a timely, appropriate manner, this wouldn’t have spread all over China like it is now.

Fortunately for the West, since we live in pro-democracy countries and regions, with open and free press, and health along with human life is put first instead of politics, the few cases we have will pass us by.



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