Hong Kong protests for democracy continues into seventh month

Global news reports that the latest protest in Hong Kong consisted of 800,000 protestors and  are still waiting for the five demands, which basically assures more rights and freedoms to the people without being governed by China, to be met; this is the largest protest of anti-government since last month. Since the middle of this year, Hong Kong protests have totaled over 900, which many have ended in violent escalations and confrontations between police and protestors. A protestor mentions that some of their people protesting were arrested or injured. The police have been using tear gas and rubber bullets; Chief Commissioner, Chris Tang Ping-keung of the Hong Kong police says, “If there’s anything like arson, throwing petrol bombs, damage on shops…We will take resolute action on that.”

In Toronto, there was a march in support of Hong Kong democracy and its supporters; they claim that the people of Hong Kong are only trying to gain human rights. Present there was Gloria Fung who is an International Human Rights Day March Organizer; she says, “This has already gone beyond the standards of the international human rights violations.” They urge the Canadian government to help stop China’s systematic oppression of peoples’ rights in Hong Kong and China.

So far, China hasn’t backed down and Hong Kong still continues, fighting for their future and freedoms.

Source: YouTube video, https://youtu.be/nrQIp5q-wjU

Image: www.independent.co.uk

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