New Book Available: Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China

( The new English book Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China will soon be published and is now available for pre-order.

Cover of Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China

This milestone report is based entirely on firsthand information collected by from China and around the world. The book gives readers a comprehensive, genuine experience of the past twenty years of persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) extension of the persecution overseas through its intimidation of leaders and businesses in other countries. The book’s documentation of the modern battle between good and evil not only vividly illustrates the brutality of the persecution in China and abroad but also explains the roles of key perpetrators and CCP agencies (including the 610 Office) responsible for launching and pushing forward the persecution.

The book also clears up many misconceptions held by China experts and scholars who have been misled by the CCP’s narrative. It includes three basic facts about the persecution (the April 25 appeal, Tiananmen self-immolation hoax, and “1,400 deaths”), as well as Falun Gong practitioners’ worldwide efforts to counter the persecution, charts of persecution statistics, and basic information about Falun Gong. The book is suitable for readers who wish to understand Falun Gong systematically and for influential people who want to gain a deeper understanding of Falun Gong, including lawyers, the human rights community, business leaders, scholars, and politicians. Many topics covered in the book are indispensable to anyone with political, business, or personal ties to China.

Click here to download sample pages, including the table of contents

The book totals 450 pages, including 26 pages of color photos and graphs. Measuring 8.25 inches wide and 11.75 inches tall, the book is available in hardcover with high-quality printing and an elegant appearance.

The estimated price for practitioners is $25 (purchased individually) or $10 (purchased in bulk), and shipments are anticipated to begin in early December.

To pre-order, please email with the following information:1) Country and region2) Contact name, email, and phone number3) Quantity (small adjustments can be made later)

Minghui Publishing CenterNovember 5, 2019

Table of Contents

About This ReportExecutive SummaryIntroduction

Part 1: Persecution of Falun Gong

Chapter 1: Detention Facilities§1.1 Brainwashing Centers§1.2 Forced Labor Camps§1.3 Mental Hospitals§1.4 Rubber-Stamp Judicial System§1.5 Imprisoned Practitioners’ Rights Violated

Chapter 2: Denial of Employment, Education, Housing, and Economic Security§2.1 The School System’s Role in the Persecution§2.2 Denial of Employment Opportunities and Seizure of Personal Property§2.3 No Place to Live§2.4 Homes Ransacked§2.5 Extortion§2.6 Withholding of Pensions§2.7 The Present-Day Orwellian State§2.8 Families Turned Against Practitioners

Chapter 3: The Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioners’ Children§3.1 Brainwashing of Children§3.2 Early Deaths§3.3 Orphaned§3.4 Families Separated§3.5 Driven Insane§3.6 Violence and Brutality§3.7 Detention§3.8 Rape

Chapter 4: Torture Methods§4.1 Beating§4.2 Force-Feeding§4.3 Stressful Positions§4.4 Sensory Bombardment§4.5 Restricting Basic Needs§4.6 Electric Shocks§4.7 Waterboarding and Suffocation§4.8 Solitary Confinement§4.9 Rape, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Humiliation

Chapter 5: Persecution Deaths§5.1 Authorities Remove Imprisoned Woman from Life Support Without Family’s Consent§5.2 Liaoning Woman Dies 13 Days after Prison Admission§5.3 Hebei Woman Falls to Her Death Trying to Escape Arrest§5.4 Death of Jin Shunnu§5.5 Other Death Cases

Chapter 6: Physical Injuries and Mental Trauma§6.1 Outcomes of Physical Torture and Abuse§6.2 Families’ Plights—In Their Own Words

Chapter 7: Organ Harvesting: An Unprecedented Crime§7.1 Abundant Organ Availability with Short Wait Times Despite Shortage of Legal Sources§7.2 Missing Falun Gong Practitioners§7.3 Involvement of the Military§7.4 Forced Blood Testing§7.5 Witness Accounts§7.6 Admissions in Telephone Investigations

Chapter 8: Persecution Extended Outside Mainland China§8.1 Violence and Threats Against Practitioners Abroad§8.2 Persecution in Other Countries and Repatriation of Practitioners to China§8.3 Intimidation of Foreign Officials and Civic Organizations§8.4 Censorship of International Media Outlets§8.5 Pressure on Businesses Outside China§8.6 Infiltration of Academic Institutions§8.7 Restricting Practitioners’ Ability to Travel§8.8 Coercing Practitioners to Spy for the CCP

Part 2: Key Perpetrators of the Persecution

Chapter 9: Key Perpetrators§9.1 Role of Jiang Zemin§9.2 Other Key Perpetrators

Chapter 10: Organizations Leading the Persecution§10.1 Shared Leadership and Resources§10.2 Control Over the Police, Judiciary, and Penal System§10.3 The 610 Office

Chapter 11: Accomplices to the Persecution§11.1 Community-Level Authorities§11.2 Foreign Firms and Media Organizations§11.3 Chinese Officials Who Helped Implement the Persecution

Chapter 12: More than 200,000 Legal Complaints Filed Against Jiang Zemin§12.1 Examples of Criminal Complaints Against Jiang Zemin§12.2 Summary Statistics§12.3 Retaliation Against Practitioners§12.4 Increasing Public Support

Part 3: Current Status of Falun Gong

Chapter 13: Countering the Persecution Inside China§13.1 Early Appeals and Protests§13.2 Talking to People Face-to-Face§13.3 Distributing Information and Displaying Banners and Posters§13.4 Writing Personal Letters to Perpetrators§13.5 Disseminating Information Through Phone Calls and the Internet

Chapter 14: Raising Awareness Outside China§14.1 Protests at Chinese Embassies and Consulates§14.2 Rallies and Petitions§14.3 SOS Walk and Ride to Freedom§14.4 Raising Awareness at Community Events and Tourist Attractions 295§14.5 International Art Exhibitions§14.6 Documentary Films§14.7 International Parties Working to Secure the Release of Practitioners in China

Chapter 15: Newcomers Discover, Take Up Falun Gong Despite Persecution§15.1 China: A Former Prisoner’s Account of Learning Falun Gong During Her Detention§15.2 Tibetan Schools in India Welcome Falun Dafa§15.3 Indonesia: 500 Secondary School Students and Teachers Learn the Falun Gong Exercises§15.4 United States: Spiritual Journey of a Software Developer§15.5 Chinese Tourists Seek the Facts about Falun Gong During Trips Abroad§15.6 Taiwan: Falun Dafa Helps a New Practitioner Recover a Vibrant Life§15.7 Seoul, South Korea: New Practitioners Share Their Experiences§15.8 Manhattan: Tianti Bookstore Offers a Convenient Way to Learn Falun Gong

Chapter 16: Support from the International Community§16.1 Chinese Officials Sued in Other Countries§16.2 Actions by National Governments§16.3 Actions by Non-Governmental Organizations§16.4 Resolutions, Proclamations and Support Letters§16.5 International Response to Forced Organ Harvesting

Appendices: Three Key Facts about the Persecution of Falun Gong

Appendix 1: Peaceful Appeal of April 25, 1999§A1.1 Overview§A1.2 Quick Facts§A1.3 Analysis

Appendix 2: Self-Immolation Hoax on Tiananmen Square§A2.1 Overview§A2.2 Quick Facts§A2.3 Analysis

Appendix 3: 1,400 Alleged Deaths§A3.1 Overview§A3.2 Analysis

About Falun DafaGraphs and PhotosReferencesIndex

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